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Update! Galleries, Store, and more coming!

Hello everyone, John here. We have just finished uploading Tier 1 and Tier 2 of our first five series. We will be continuing with other series and will start diving into the Tier 3s. Yes, much more fun and sexiness in AI world. As we include new Various or as we'd rather say, "Rogue", galleries, we're also working on our merch store, AND a way for you to commission work from us to be done. We have a huge world here in Cherry Bombs and things are coming fast around here. A lot of work to be done and you can actually see some of the series galleries that we have coming here - Upcoming Galleries | Cherry Bombs. That'll do it for us here at Cherry Bombs for the Offline we're always erect...I mean up.

One last thing, if you are a Tier 1 or 2, and you want to upgrade to the Tier 3 when it arrives, you can do so. Patreon will only charge you the difference and not the whole Tier 3 fee, and then you'd start paying that full fee at the next month when your renewal fee comes.


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